• The need to leave this place is overwhelming.
    My sanity depends on my departure.
    I have found salvation for the time being.
    But, I fear that my sanity will leave me,
    Leave me high and dry amongst the desert
    Or, floating down a river with only one paddle and a bucket with a hole.
    My strength is only so, due to my lack of knowledge
    I do find that I might be dead inside.
    My faith in humanity has slowly disintegrated to a smoldering pile of ash and, unlike a phoenix it will not rise again. But, blow away in the wind.
    While the world is not completely grey
    I find that it is now only two-toned
    and that I, the rainbow in my life is now. I suppose only a gray scale.
    In which the only thing that shines though are the actions in my life.
    Only to be washed away by the moments of yesterday.
    And the moments in which I remember.
    Are the ones that I find to be most depressing.
    For, they are the ones that remind me of who I am.
    Or, more importanty who, I will never be.
    In this metaphorical roller coaster.