• i sit alone, secluded from the world
    you wander by, looking at me through gleeful eyes
    i look back, knowing only isolation, i turn my head, my life is like a turtle
    but every day you come back, even on days with rainy skies
    you come, looking at me, offering me something i never knew existed
    but i turn you away again and again, slowly my reality twisted
    one day, you dont show up, i go back to my isolation
    but then i see you, coming over to me, still smiling, bruised and beat up
    i look at you, feeling a deep pain in my heart
    i ask what happned, and you merely smile, offering me a broken cup
    i look at it, it looks new, but its broken, you apoligize, for what?
    i follow you, and see you being picked on, i run in, and get beat up
    the tormenters leave, you apoligize again "You idiot!"
    i want to grasp you with both arms, and tell you how worried i am
    the next day, its raining, and i sit alone
    she comes by again, and smiles, but i can see the sorrow behind it
    she smiles and looks at me,......... Why?
    Why do you do this, i can see your sorrow
    if you only come to pity me, dont come tommorrow
    as a matter of fact, dont come back ever
    a while goes by after that day, she dosnt come back
    pity is not freindship, so that bond i tried to sever
    but everytime i tried, my heart felt so heavy
    i wanted to see her again, that girl, i didnt even know her name
    This is it, ill go search for her
    i searched till my feet hurt
    every step, was for her, every exerpt
    i searched aimlessly, to no avail
    i searched the roads, i searched the streets, but i found nothing
    i thought i should give up, when i spotted her on a bridge, looking so frail
    i ran to her, every footstep, every breath, i wanted to apolize to her
    i wanted......... to be by her side
    but just then, she jumped off the bridge, and was swept away with the tide
    i never got to say my feelings, i never got to apoligize
    i went back to my isolation, and every night........ cried
    for the women who showed me compassion
    and in the end........ Died