• It was fated
    For us to meet
    If I didn't take the risk the other day
    We would never, ever meet

    'What risk was that?'
    You must be wondering
    Cracking your head all night through
    And soon you'll get a headache in the noon

    It happened several years ago
    I was silly, gullible and innocent
    I corresponded with a guy two years older
    And could have gotten myself into trouble

    But luck was on my side
    And it was fate that made us meet
    The moment I risked my life
    For a friend whom I've never met,
    God has already arranged all the paths
    Just so we could meet

    Isn't it obvious it was fate?
    It was fate that brought us together
    It was fate that made us meet
    If I didn't take the risk the other day
    We would never, ever meet.