• In my darkest days,
    I saw no light.
    All i saw was black.
    I sat in my black room.
    In the same old black corner.
    In the same old black house.
    In the same old world.
    What happened.....?
    My same old black word,
    Has new color...
    Vivid blues, greens, violets, reds, pinks, oranges, yellows and more!
    How is this possible...?
    He came to my rescue.
    He held me when nobody wanted to even be a foot close to me...
    He was the key i needed to open my black door....
    He was the one thing i needed to live...
    He IS the only thing i need.
    He is the one who listens to me when im sad and hurt,
    Beaten down to the ground.
    He is the one who tells me,
    "I love you"
    And i know he means it with all his heart....
    He is magnificent...
    He is gorgeous...
    He is beautiful...
    He is my one and only...
    He is my sun,
    He is my moon,
    He is my stars,
    He is my universe and my whole world and my entire being.
    Without him,
    I would not be here.
    I would not be breathing,
    I would not be typing this poem....
    He IS here,
    He did save me,
    And every day he continues to save me from myself.
    I cant thank him enough,
    And i cant say,
    "I love you"
    I just want you to know,
    I love you babe,