• A world of peace

    That’s free from pain

    Is just a dream you can’t sustain

    The trees, you remove them

    The ground, you implode

    The rainfall is acid

    The mountains corrode

    The creatures around you

    No longer your friends

    A primary food source

    In a world ruled by men

    Cries of the innocent

    Lost on the wind

    As bombs from the skyline

    Tear off their skin

    Oil and toxins

    Are dumped out to sea

    For the greed of the heartless just can’t let it be

    You have the solutions

    The power to free

    But you sigh

    Look away

    And pretend you can’t see

    If people want change

    They have to speak louder

    For ignoring the problem will NOT get you round it

    To those who ignore me

    Who still look away

    Who think that tomorrow will come anyway

    The ones who can't hear me

    Who just shut their eyes

    Will be the ones crying

    The day the earth dies xp