• Beyond which the human desire,
    Is both relevancy, and irrevelancy.
    Accomodating both the same side,
    Yet opposite sides.

    Secrecy apon purchase.

    A love to that you cannot hold.
    I once thought I desired these chains and shackles;
    But now they make my wrists and anckles bleed and burn.

    I want and need
    That which I cannot have.

    A Prescription,
    The kind that sooths you.


    Once you've had a taste of what you need and desire,
    You crave it, need it,
    The doctor sends you more; of course.
    But you knew you needed it
    Before you even had the taste and effect.


    You'de lied to yourself from the beginning,
    Saying you did'nt need it, you could live on.
    Misreble of course,
    but you thought you could get over it.
    Move along.

    Never did,
    Never could.

    The desire and need just buryed itself under lies.
    But I never forgot it...

    However, you still had the taste.

    So sweet, so good.
    The prescription they give to people
    so that they can forget their problems,
    The issue that caused you to need it in the first place.

    Real or not.

    Stopped short. Detox. Illness.
    The orgininal problem came back.
    But no one will let you take it again.

    Holding you back, saying that you didnt need it.
    Like the lies you told yourself before you took it.


    Trying to find whats calling for you;
    But kept grabbing the wrong thing.

    Like a bad game of marco-polo.
    Tripping over the childrens pool toys,
    Grabbing people who were'nt even playing.

    I wish I could have notised the direction sooner...