• i thought we were the best of friends
    but i was wrong
    i broke my own rule
    never get to close to the fire
    you always get burned
    i felt like saying sorry

    then today i was going to
    but i hear your talking about me
    behind my back
    i would never think you of all people would do that
    but now i know better
    thanks for showing your true colors
    it really helps to know
    who you can trust
    and those who you can't

    our friendship is done
    if thats what you want
    then thats what you got
    don't call me or write its pointless
    i won't let you back in my life

    we once were friends but now your just a face in the mess
    my sources say we won't be friends
    ever again
    and now i just don't care
    your way to much to bear
    i'm tired of your drama
    i'm ready for peace

    but with a friend like you who needs enemys
    you were the last person in our group
    who i thought i knew but obously not
    my so called friend
    alli can say is
    you are is like the rest
    i remember how deep you hurt was the best

    so don't remember me for
    i won't remember you
    because i don't waste my time on backstabers
    so i hope this helps you know
    what you lost
    what you say will always affect you in the end
    so good bye and good luck
    i don't want to be known as
    the girl who lost who she was

    THE END>.<