• How Does It Feel

    How does it feel to wander in the dark by yourself
    Searching every bit for the person you love for
    The moonlight glazing on the window, near a grocery store
    Gazing upon your own face, tears streaming down
    Dark coloring, running under the eyes
    The lip slipping down, the bottom curving under the top
    Shaking uncontrolled
    The eyes drafting toward the light of the moon
    Letting the tears twinkling while it falls off the face
    Walking down the road passing every sleeping building
    Not waiting for a break to take over
    Walking across the bridge, holding on the railing
    The foot resting on the wood, the stomach on the steel railing
    Leaning downwards
    Watching the tadpoles swimming peacefully
    The fireflies dancing around, forming shapes as they please
    Slowly finishing, crossing the exit towards another path
    Leading down to a pond, fill with floating white flowers
    The fingers gliding along the water, cupping a flower
    A tear drop hitting the water
    The water moving every which way from the disruptions
    Letting the eyes close allowing the other tears hit the water
    Opening them once more to face the figure that shows the image of a person
    Upon the water flicking of the moonlight
    Turning around to face the image
    Watching the figure form a pleasant smile
    The image’s hand placing a string of white flowers
    Placing it upon the crying girl’s head
    Giving her a kiss on her forehead
    Letting the image’s arms wrap around the girl’s body
    The girl staring at her lovers eyes
    Whispering the words
    How does it feel to wander in the dark by yourself