• There are diffrent people in this world, all of whom have diffrent ideas on whats right for themselves. Some of them, in fact a growing number, choose to look diffrent from what is considered "normal". theses people usually identify themselves as subcultures such as punk, goth, emo, metal, and many others. most of theses people are very pieceful people who choose to live their lives quietly and with out harm to others. how ever we are trying to spread some facts you may not know about those people who choose to express themselves diffrently then others.

    a recent poll among these sub-cultures have uncovered theses facts:
    1-in the last year 96% of those surveyed reported being verbally assulted on one or more occasion based on their apperiance

    2-out of those surveyed 43% reported being physically assulted in the past year based on their apperiance

    3-out of those surveyed that contacted the police, all but one felt that any inaction or poor quality of action was based on their apperiance

    women have been RAPED, and there have actually been innocent people KILLED just because they decided to look and dress diffrently than the "norm". lives cut short smply on the basis of dress.

    Any person would find theses facts appalling and offensive. law enforcement in many countries has proven largely apathetic towards this crisis. the new media have spun tales and ran biased accounts that have made people who identify themselves with subcultures out to be villians. this cannot be further from the truth. most of theses people are quiet, decent annd hard working people just like you. people who are now being forced to live IN FEAR OF THEIR OWN SAFTEY because of a society that has somehow decided it is okay to assult people who they feel are "diffrent".this abusehas been demonstrated through schools, on the streets, and in places of business.

    people are now trying to change this.

    Just listen and watch what you say to people who arent "normal" because they maybe the nicest people you will ever meet.

    -otay me skittles