• What More Do You Want?

    Ive done as I've been told
    I walked the line
    Ive taken punishments undeserved
    What more do you want?

    You raised me to not take crap
    But now Ive got to take your crap?
    How does that add up?

    You think beause youre an "Adult" the rules don't apply?
    I'm tired of this crap
    What more do you want?

    You have complete control
    You watched as I fell
    Now you think harsh words
    You think beating me will change who I am?

    You think I'm scared?
    You think I'm afraid of you?
    You're nothing but a jerk with nothing better to do.
    What more do you want?
    What more can I do?

    All you get is what you give.