• Life is a crib and a teddy bear,
    To eat, to sleep, all without care.
    Life is training wheels and taking them off,
    Syrup and panicked parents when you cough.

    Life is the alphabet and multiplication,
    And Disney World for every vacation.
    Life is summer camp and scouts
    In middle school, so full of doubts.

    Life is first kisses during first dates,
    With those boys that Daddy hates.
    Life is a tassel, a bundle of strings.
    All that's left of simpler things.

    Life is parties and a list of 'firsts',
    Drinking until you're ready to burst.
    Life is work and budgets and stress,
    And squeezing into an 'appropriate' dress.

    Life is his smile and throwing the bouquet,
    Thanking deities for a single day.
    Life is ultrasounds and baby showers,
    Full of presents and cake and flowers.

    Life is repetition, defined by time,
    Defined by the objects people call "mine",
    Defined by albums and keepsakes,
    Defined by achievements and mistakes,
    Defined by the memories life makes--
    Ultimately by memory, until this, too, fades.