• Let's bring this back to phase one
    Before you decided you were permanently done;
    Back to the night of our very first kiss
    A memory that I will truly miss;
    Standing under the starry sky,
    Never wanting to say goodbye.
    How about we go to phase two?
    You picked me up and took me somewhere new.
    Sitting in your arms examining the lake,
    Never once had I thought you were so fake.
    Time to journey to phase three and four
    The very last two before you closed my door;
    Down by the train tracks feeling so free,
    That very night I label phase three.
    And phase four is one I'll never forget
    Though it's turned out to be my biggest regret.
    Our clothes were thrown off to the side,
    And I was ready for my wild ride.
    Now as I lie around worried sick,
    You ignore me because your such a d**k.
    But in the end we go back to phase one,
    Back to where this mistake all begun.