• I sit with you crying to myself,
    broken face of the doll on the parlor shelf.
    She took the bus to far far away just to get away!
    She tried to make them understand it was her life but they cant!
    She did the best she could all her life she would and did and tried...
    Before she became girl interupted
    Walking one day in the pooring rain only 15, tears on her face.
    And two months pregnant.
    She didnt see the car till it was to late
    a smile forever haunts her face.
    Lying in a pool of blood and rain, slowly the pain slipping away.
    Gripping at it knowing it was what kept her heart beating.
    Her life slipping away.
    Glad it was ending.
    Glad she was rid of them...
    Her parents who judged her, a boyfriend who left her with a baby inside her,
    the people who mocked her...
    They gather around her and her shutting eyes.
    She utters four words...
    I am girl interupted...