• The first day of school, the first day i saw you
    It felt like everyday i fell in love with you again
    Ive tried everything to make you notice me
    But i always end up alone...... Feeling this feeling.

    I am a mere human, and as which, i get jeolous
    Every day.. i see you with him... why do i do this?
    Why?.. Why do you not smile at me the way you smile at him?
    As i ponder these thoughts, i sit in silence.... Feeling this feeling.

    I try to hate you, to despise the very prescence of you.
    But time and time again,i fall in love with you, Even though i try not to.
    I often wish i could'nt love, to end this pain
    i keep on wasting all my time...... Feeling this feeling.... of falling for...You.