• you said that i had one more chance.
    i need to overcome this monster
    thats living inside of me, slowly
    taking over my body. controling my every move.
    i try and try to overcome it.
    but it never goes away, and it always wins.
    i need to overcome this, so you wont leave.
    not again, i cant lose you again.
    i dont want to feel that way ever again
    like there was no meaning for me to be alive.
    you said that i had one more chance.
    to overcome this monster that lives inside of me.
    i want to become myself again
    i dont want to be this thing that ive become.
    i didnt want you to see what ive become.
    out of all people, i wanted to keep you blinded.
    nothing ever going to be the same
    now that youve seen this hedious side of me.
    im trying to overcome this monster
    its slowly taking over my body, eating me alive.
    ripping me apart, piece by piece.
    controling who i am now, changing who i used to be.
    im no longer that innocent little girl,
    the one that youve met so long ago.
    shes gone and shes never coming back.
    shes been exposed to so much.
    always slipping in and out of the blue, into the grey
    and sometimes even getting up high enough into the white.
    just trying to feel like shes ontop of the world
    doing whatever she can to get to that level.
    nothing else matters but getting to see white.
    thats all the monster cares about, nothing else.
    no regard for anything, trying to get that buzz.
    you said that youd give me one more chance.
    shes tryong her hardest, she needs help.
    she needs to get away from it all.
    time to clear her head, trying to stay sane.
    trying to be the girl that she used to be.
    though shes long gone, and shes never coming back.
    shes become a complete monster, doing whatever
    she can just to get away from reality.
    trying to be closer to her fantasties.
    when shes in the white, she closes her eyes
    and youre there, its so real and vivid
    she never wants it to stop, this feeling its amazing.
    youre so close, it seems anyway.
    trying to pretend that everything alright
    at least for a little while anyway.
    itll eventually fade away and shell become the monster again.
    you said youd give her one more chance.
    thats all she wants is for you
    to be there in her life, to be her sora.
    forever, just like we promise.