• I could apologize day and night
    Every single day for the rest of my life
    But I don't see the point in wasting my breath...
    You're never going to forgive me
    why would you ever want to?

    I know you're hurt...
    But why do you think I did that in the first place?
    I'm sorry I broke my promise to you...
    But I'm only human...
    I'm going to make mistakes
    are you willing to stay around despite that?

    Everything is nothing now a days...
    There's no meaning to this
    You yell at me...
    Tell me I have friends who care
    People who love me to death
    I know this doesn't help my case much
    But I really don't care anymore...
    does that makes me a bad person?

    You think I like this?
    That I like being hallow?
    That I like being in so much pain?
    That I like being misunderstood?
    I hate it....though I know that's not a good excuse
    I shouldn't of started...
    Than I wouldn't have this problem
    But the past is the past and I cant change what I've done
    is it wrong to wish to change things?

    I have to bring that knife to my skin...
    Let it dance upon me...
    Bringing crimson to the surface
    You tell me to stop...
    I see those tears in your eyes
    I try to explain to you that I cant
    That it's not that simple
    Yet you tell me to at least try...
    You beg me to not give up hope...
    But you don't get it...
    will you ever understand me?

    Just this one time
    Let me speak without you interrupting me
    Though this is something I hate...
    Makes me sick to my very core to do...
    It's something I have to...
    It's not choice anymore
    I tried to quit once...
    Stop completely...
    That was for you...
    But I couldn't do it...
    The voices wouldn't stop yelling...
    They kept on telling me..
    One more time...this will be the last...
    But everytime I do...
    I have to do to it more and more...
    Deeper and deeper...
    I hate this I really do...
    But I have to do this...
    why wont the voices just leave me alone?

    You fear for me...
    Scared that if I don't stop soon you'll lose me
    And who knows...
    You just might
    But you're strong
    You would do just fine without me
    I know you want to help
    Want to understand...
    Get me to stop this ugly habit of mine...
    But I don't think that's going to happen anytime
    So I'm pushing you away...
    Just like I always do right?
    I'm sorry...
    I wish I could tell you how much this kills me
    But you just wouldn't understand...
    You'll never understand...
    No matter how hard you try...
    Because I'll never let you
    I wont let myself hurt you anymore
    Not anymore than I have to

    I'm sorry...
    Is that all I can say anymore?