• TELL ME wat u meant when u told me u couldn't TRUST ME. TELL ME if you know the pain u've caused. Tell ME how much u really KNOW about me. You CLAIM to know so much about me so TELL ME y i act the way I do. TELL ME y i'm so confused. TELL ME y i've stopped trusting. TELL ME y i've lost myself in the FAKES. TELL ME y i'm no longer whole. TELL ME y i can't find myself anymore. Have u SEEN all the acts i've HIDDEN BEHIND? Have u NOTICED how i've CHANGED? Do u KNOW that i'm HURTING, that i'm SEARCHING for myself, that i've STOPPED BELIEVING? YOU SAY u know many things about me from the ppl u've talked to. YOU SAY u know things about me from my friends and my teachers, but do YOU KNOW that i don't really trust them with my thoughts? Do you KNOW how many of my friends truly CARE? Do you KNOW how many friends truly KNOW ME? Have u seen the walls i'v BUILT the SHELL i've BECOME? Have u seen the TEARS i've cried? Do u see my TEARS? do u know i'm becoming NUMB? TELL ME y i'm hurting. TEll ME if u know y I've become this way. Do u KNOW where the real me has gone?

    I'm SICK of u saying the same things all the time. I'm so TIRED... I'm SINKING again... the WALLS r returning... I'm so SICK of it all... STOP acting like you KNOW me when u've only brushed the surface. I've LOST the ability to LOVE. I can't GIVE what i don't have or accepted. TELL ME what u really know about me... THINK about wat u've said to me... now TELL ME... how MUCH do u REALLY KNOW about me...