• i see you there in the corner
    looking away from anyone
    keeping yourself as a loner
    glaring back at the curious
    smirking at the ones who care

    but no matter how you act
    wether pushing away the fact
    without a doubt i will be there
    to hold out my hand when you fear
    ill listen when you need an ear
    stand by you until you reach out

    no matter how much you fake it
    even if you give the cold shoulder
    if you point your finger for me to go
    ill just rap my finger around yours
    because in the end your not alone
    im your friend in heart, in mind

    if not there visibly when you need
    ill be there any way i can possibly be
    Maybe one day ill show up unexpectantly
    to show you what a true friend i am
    so sit there in the dark scowling
    scream out how you hate everything
    call me names if you really want to
    claim im stupid for actually trying
    youll just make me laugh while im smiling
    because really i know your in denial

    its silly business that your portraying
    theres no way im just going to let it go
    im not going to walk away from a friend
    i will not leave you sitting in the dark
    that wouldnt fix any of your problems

    i can mend pieces of your broken heart
    i can wipe your tears with my shirt
    i'll hold you intact when you tear apart
    if you loose your mind in all this chaos
    together we will search everywhere we know
    But first my friend that i love so dearly
    take my hand so i can lead you from the shadows