• My tears fall silently for you
    They don't want to stop
    Everytime I see your face my
    Tears want to betray me
    They want to come and show
    You that I still care
    If only my tears knew when
    The right time was for them to fall
    But instead they fall when I think of
    They will never stop
    As long as I keep loving you

    When will my tears stop falling
    When can I finally say
    Good bye to you
    When can I let this go and
    End my pain

    This is whats in my heart
    Right now and with every
    Passing day I wish you
    Were hear to stop these
    Tears from falling
    But I know that you won't
    Be hear to stop these tears
    From falling and you don't care
    That they are there

    When will my tears stop falling
    When can I finally say
    Good bye to you
    When can I let this go and
    End my pain

    Everyday I hope that you will
    See that i'm hurt and come
    To mend my broken heart
    But that day will never come
    I don't think you see it or even
    If you care but I will hope
    And pray everyday and let
    My tears fall at night for you

    When will my tears stop falling
    When can I finally say
    Good bye to you
    When can I let this go and
    End my pain

    Why won't you come and stop
    My tears from falling?