• She locks herself away from everything.
    Anything that'll remind her of him is gone.
    No one hears her scream out in pain
    Because they never see what she's been through.
    Every night she lies awake
    Just wishing for the end to come.
    No more hurting over something that wasn't real.
    No more pain over someone who didn't love her.
    Her parents come to her door, she doesn't answer.
    They don't se the scarlet lettering
    "No more pain!" she writes. "I'm finally free!"
    The door gets busted down and they find her body
    The empty whiskey bottle, the shot glass, the razor blade,
    The bloodstained sheets, the ice-cold corpse,
    They're all too much for her mother, her father.
    They had no idea of her inner torment
    So how could they help their only child mend her broken heart?