• waiting in the darkeness.
    waiting for the truth.
    waiting for God's blessing
    that leads me straight to to.
    waiting for the tears to stop pouring down my face.
    waiting for the pain to go and give me back my grace.
    waiting for you.
    waiting for us.
    waiting for a moment.
    waiting for forever.
    waiting for to be held in your arms.
    waiting for this life of mine to get better.
    waiting for you to hold my hand.
    waiting for, ''i love you''.
    waiting for you to take a stand,
    and hear me call for you.
    still, i wait here in the darkness.
    time is rushing by.
    to you, i must confess
    the way you make me fly.
    i think about us constantly.
    so please don't keep me waiting.
    being without you hurts me.
    & this love is some-what fading.
    i will wait for you;;
    if you wait for me
    no matter what, i wont regret you.
    im happy this happened to me.