• Number 1:

    There once was a boy named Tim
    Whose father never taught him to swim.
    One day he fell off a dock
    And sunk like a rock
    And that was the end of him.

    Number 2:

    Aimee is a stupid a**
    She failed in every class.
    One day her heart tore
    Because of Nikki she cries no more
    Because her heart was dropped and shattered like glass.

    Number 3:

    The best part
    about standing in the rain
    is you can hide your tears
    as you strength crumbles and washes away,
    the water can hide your pain.
    The best part about a closed bedroom door
    is you can hide the knife
    as you plunge it into your chest
    and let the blood flow out
    and it ends your life.

    Number 4:

    Tears burn my skin as they drip
    down and off my face...
    so I cry more.
    I can't stop anyway.
    Blood tingles as it falls off the tips
    of my fingers and to the floor...
    ...Soon I'll be no more.

    Number 5:

    Slit my wrists and let me bleed
    let me cry,let me die.
    Let me fall to the bottom of the Abyss
    that swallows me whole,kills me fast inside.
    I love the thought of suicide.
    I want life to be over for me.
    I'm giving up,giving in.
    But at least I tried.

    ~Aimee various dates~
