• They call it a place
    where dead rats, dead cats, and people
    are treated equally.

    They call it a place
    where muggings and murders
    are commonplace happenings.

    They call it a place
    where graffiti dwells on walls and buildings
    done by the same spray paint
    that is missing from the corner store.

    They call it a place
    where the strong odor of garbage
    piled high upon the streets
    is considered one of the important factors
    that make this place what it is.

    They call it a place
    where not many work
    in a place where many are known to be illiterate.

    They call it a place
    where a small plate of collard greens
    makes the perfect Sunday dinner.

    They call it a place
    where husbands abandon their wives
    wives abandon their children
    and children abandon their dreams.

    They call it a place
    where the Saturday activities
    are body confrontations and "hangin' out."

    They call it a place
    where the natural thing to do
    is to get into trouble.

    This place is easy to get in
    but once in
    people seldom get out.

    This is a place
    where the everyday task
    is to stay alive.

    They call this place the ghetto
    the crowded, dirty ghetto.
    People call it their home.