• Your parents,

    They yell

    They push

    They fight

    They say something they regret

    They turn their backs to each other

    Then they walk away and pay attention to their children

    What they don’t realize,

    Is their ignoring one of their kids sitting in her room,


    For 15 years

    She sits on her brown chair, facing her computer

    And she listens to her other family members walk by and talk to each other.

    But they don’t pay attention to her.


    Is it because she is different?

    Or do they just forget she is in the house?

    Nobody knows…

    When she comes out of her room for a snack,

    They stare.

    Only for a few moments.

    Then they turn their backs,

    Acting like they have something else to do.

    Then she walks back into her room and shuts the door then proceeds to turn on her computer.

    Do her family members realize they got their child addicted to porn?

    Just by getting her a computer?

    She keeps her emotions bottled up inside her,

    Because they didn’t teach her how to let it all out.

    She just sits in her room on her computer,

    All day long.

    When they ask her to do something,

    She responds,

    “I don’t know how”

    That’s because they never taught her

    They never told her to get off her computer and do something

    Because they don’t care.

    She feels empty inside

    She feels like nobody cares for her existence

    “Why am I here?” she thinks to herself

    What is her purpose in life?

    Why was she put on this earth?

    If only she went outside for a while

    And took a deep breath of that fresh air.

    But she has grown too attached to her computer.

    She doesn’t want to leave it.

    Her computer

    Is her life.

    It has taken over her.

    It has become too addicting.

    It must go away.

    Her parents walk into her room,

    And take away her computer.

    They look in her files

    And see all the porn she has saved.

    Then they finally start to question

    “What is wrong with our daughter?”

    Whatever you do won’t cure her.

    Those images are forever burned into her brain.

    And it’s all because of that computer that they got for her,

    On that one Christmas day.