• My well has run dry
    Singed by emotions I cant yet explain
    But I know I hate feeling like this
    I hate the clanking of my ladle
    As I reach for the water that's no longer there
    Too foolish to abandon hope
    I pray for my ear to hear a splash
    How long must I wait
    My lips have become dehydrated
    They have forgotten the beauty of water
    And I can no longer smile for you
    They only remember the need to drink
    And I don't know how much longer I can last without one
    How I long for even a tear to cry
    A single drop of sweet water
    In this sad time
    Anything to satiate this thirst
    To stop me from clanking this empty well
    So I can the once again speak on the water within
    I'd say that I'd love that
    But my well has run dry