• Writing a poem is just something I can't do
    I wish I could write something, anything, for you
    I think and think and think some more
    Maybe about how you make my heart soar
    No that's too common to write
    Back to the drawing board to clear my sight
    Or just cloud it and toss me around
    Wishing to lose myself just to be found
    Somehow writing and filling this page
    I know this will never weather and age
    Nor disappear and fade away
    To write must be better than to say
    Although I know you'd like words
    I want my voice to sound like birds'
    Singing the same note over and over
    Just as rare as a four leaf clover
    Simple and awe-inspiring, life can be
    Will you not open yours eyes and see?
    I want to be the girl you strive for
    Not to be me, a complete bore
    I've found what to write about
    Found it without any doubt
    As this comes to an end
    Just one more message to send
    One I wish would be seen
    I love you simple and clean.