• Remember those days when we were young,
    when we had no fear of being who we were, remember
    those times in grade 1 when our parents would hold our hands?
    Remember on Halloween those scary pictures of skeletons?I
    remember all these things, I remember my first crush. I will remember
    those happy moments or the moments that make you cry. I remember
    when my grandfather died a week before my birthday, I will remember
    that black mark on my calender that etches it into my memory.
    Remember the time you step on that stage on graduation,
    you shake hands,grab the diploma and your done.
    Remember the tears that fell after all that hard
    work of school, Do you remember what it feels
    like to separate yourselves from your
    friends? I will remember the
    time when I went camping
    with them. Those are
    the things I will
    that I will
    close to my heart

    Now the question is, what will you remember?