• ME: I've been through alot of pain in my life,
    ME: It feels like my hearts been stabbed with a knife.
    ME: Losing my dad was one of the pains,
    OTHER: I wonder what it is you have to gain, from losing your father.

    ME: Cause of it I met some people I can trust!!
    OTHER: Ha, But some people you met are just a bust.
    OTHER: Where do you go when your no longer wanted?
    OTHER: What can you do when your always haunted by your past?

    OTHER: Disappear from everyones sight!
    OTHER: Maybe no one will care, maybe you'll cause a hype.
    OTHER: With all this pain that you've caused, and all the pain caused to you,
    OTHER: How can you live with yourself? How can you always remain true?

    ME: Cause I know I still have people who care,
    ME: And I gotta learn that lifes not fair.
    OTHER: You should just give up and leave people alone
    OTHER: Cause everyone in your life sees you as a tiny little drone!

    OTHER: You're just another guy to them,
    OTHER: You mean absolutly nothing to them.
    ME: I'm only human and everyone has flaws, nobodies perfect.

    OTHER: HAHAHAHA, I'm perfect you stupid little b***h,
    OTHER: You're the only one with the stupid little twitch
    OTHER: Hide your face little boy,
    OTHER: Cause your just a major disgrace, your everyones toy.

    ME: You know what I have that you don't,
    ME: I have a girl who loves me and who won't ever hurt me.
    ME: And my family, I know they love me,

    ME: You're not real, you're just another part of me,
    ME: GET OUT, your like an annoying little flea.
    ME: I don't need you no more I can take care of myself,
    ME: So time to leave, GET OUT YOU STUPID LITTLE WHELP.

    OTHER: I'll be back one day when you put your guard down,
    OTHER: I'll take control of your body, then I'll put you in the ground.
    ME: I doubt that'll happen cause I don't need you around,
    ME: I'm finally free, no longer souly bound!!!!