• Ever feel invisible?
    It's not a superpower
    It's another way for your 'friends' to ignore you.
    You may not know what you did
    Because they won't tell you
    All you know is you're sorry
    For something you probably didn't do
    All you know is you're invisible
    Do you want it to stop?

    They won't talk to you they enjoy your pain.
    And all of the madness going through your brain.
    The pain is deep you can't wait
    'til they talk to you again.
    But here's the thing they want you to to talk to them first.
    Too bad you're invisible.
    They decided to talk to you today
    you're very hapy
    you're friendly all day
    watching what you say
    You've made it!
    It's the end of the day.
    Guess what you're not invisible.