• juliet and her romeo,
    they were in love,
    no matter where the other would go,
    the love was real,
    like thier parents hate,
    sadly the kiss would seal their fate.
    paris came and proposed,
    and as juliets father decided,
    she couldnt say no,
    with romeo banished and tybalt slain,
    the wedding date had nearly came,
    so juliet had faked her death,
    drank the potion and took one breath.
    romeo heard but did not know,
    thats this was simply only a show,
    he went to check and saw it to b true,
    so he drank a potion, a real one to.
    juliet wakes to find him dead,
    and her sad realization had filled her with dread,
    so she reached for the dagger with a movement quite fast,
    and the breathe she took then was in fact her last.