• she pauses to remember
    what they spoke together.
    when he looks away,
    she locks into his eyes.
    when he looks back,
    she trembles in line.
    hiding her feelings
    beneath her hair.
    wondering, thinking, Hoping
    hes still staring at her.
    when she looks back
    it all repeats.
    she purposely brushes against him
    wondering if he notices
    her touch.
    when they talk,
    her legs go limp.
    her words go smooth.
    her eyes follows his.
    when he walks away,
    dissapointment fills her.
    she feels like crying.
    but she asks,
    is it a crush?
    true love?
    a freaky stalkerish fling?
    it couldn't have been.
    she replays the moments
    around her mind.
    trying to remember
    why she fell so hard for him.