• Someone please help me.
    No one understands me,
    The things I do,
    The things I say.

    Why can’t people like you,
    Just listen.
    Because they are just human.

    They think,
    That their actions,
    Don’t harm others.

    Well guess what.
    They do.

    I DO,
    Want to be with you.

    I DO,
    Want your company and love.

    But you destroy my hopes,
    Of having a family,
    That I desperately need,
    But you obviously don’t want.

    If you didn’t want a family,
    Then why did you adopt me?
    To torture me?
    To make me feel what you did,
    with your father?

    I am not a tool.
    You are not my master.
    Father, You are the child.
    So let me go!