• LoSt WaYs

    A lost hello.
    A lost goodbye.
    A lost time.
    A simple lost goodnight.
    A regret that keeps you away.
    A love that says no another day.

    A last hello.
    A last goodbye.
    A last time.
    A simple last goodnight.
    A regret that keeps you away.
    A love that says no another day.

    A day you see will be a day, that will be.
    A day that can be.
    A day or time.
    A simple rhyme.

    A song to cure sadness.
    A song to cure death.
    A song to stop time.
    A simple song to stop the sight of a bad rhyme.

    A failure that can’t be changed.
    A time full of mistakes.
    A loss that ruins life.
    A cut that changes to a scar.
    A simple scar that leads you to die.

    Your death.
    A thing to say a last hello, a last goodbye, a last time, a simple last goodnight.
    Keep that last hello for another day.
    Keep a last goodbye till a cold sun rains.
    A last time for your last day that you will live.
    A simple goodnight for when the day is gone and you leave.