• For so long I’ve tried to shield you from the world,
    Protect you from the pain, hoping for a sign,
    But the key to your prison, into a lake, hurled,
    You like to make people believe that you are, in fact fine.

    But you are kidding yourself, trying to hide from the pain,
    Lie to yourself, and say that everything’s fine, that nothing is wrong,
    But you cannot deny that you’re happiness is slain,
    That your sadness goes on, forever long.

    No matter how much you say people aren’t getting to you,
    No matter how much you pretend to ignore them,
    Every word is cutting you inside, with the exception of a few,
    With every taunt your self esteem shatters, like a gem.

    The words keep you awake at night, lingering in your train of thought,
    You think to yourself, that maybe everything would be better if you were away from everyone,
    So you pick up a razor and cut your wrist, hoping not to be caught,
    Not to kill yourself, you don’t want to die, but to slip into a place, where everything is fun.

    As you watch the blood go down your wrist, you drift away,
    Far into your mind where everything is fine, and the goddess’ of imaginary lies wait,
    Swallowed up inside of your screaming, you cannot cease to play,
    But where will you go? You can’t escape your fate.

    With no one left to save you from yourself, you can’t escape this world,
    I realize you’re afraid but you can’t abandon everyone, not the ones you love,
    And although you’re so tired of being here, you cannot hide forever in your dream-world,
    You long to escape your pain; you want to fly in the sky like a dove.

    You think to yourself you deserved to lose him, it’s your entire fault,
    And you guess it wasn’t real all along,
    As you try and mend your broken heart and mend things past, you halt,
    Because you know all alone is where you belong.