• where i have come from it seems no one will find me
    a place where dragons roost the mountain tops
    and spiders the size of man size up the tops of the trees
    where not only do you have to lookout for the spiders in the trees
    you have to lookout for the trees them self
    and when the time of day comes to an end the creatures come out from the depths of earth
    from the early dates of man the date you think are long gone
    see from where i come from you would be in terror for your life because not only do beasts want to eat you
    the flowers do to
    in time you will see why i am so paranoid
    for i have to fight for my life
    for where i come for
    is only in my mind
    for you can not see it
    for you can not hear it
    for you can not smell not breath it like i can
    for i am me
    for where i come form is in my mind