• i wake up one morning,
    and i see the light of the heavens rising.
    thy mouth is dry;
    but watery with thy kiss of fresh morning dew.

    i look up at the colors in the sky,
    and i start to think of you.

    tears are brought to thy lonesome eyes;
    as i cry and stare at the bright morning sky.

    will thee come back to see me good bye?
    or will thee end up to parish in the flames of hatred?

    thy pain will never end,
    and thy heart will continue to crumble.
    i will continue to hope for you to be in my arms once more,
    and give me the gentle sweentend kiss of love that i so long for.

    i will stay in this broken hearted room;
    not being able to breath or sleep until im with thee once again.
    thy love will never fade,
    and thy life will be eternal.
    until thy fateful end;
    do our lives mend once again.