• "Right it fast !" the teacher says, "no breaks no timeouts, i want this work done in five minuets !"
    My hands were sweating as i stared at a blank page, I cant think of anything to write.
    I looked deep into my heart and i found you....your love, your smile, your beauty, I couldnt stand not to smile.
    I took my pencil in hand and began to write. I wrote about your love, your mercey, and your grace. My hand hurt but i didnt stop writing. In a matter of minuets i was done!
    i looked at the teacher who stared at me with surprise as she took my paper.....and she began to read.
    I looked at her face as i saw a tear run down her face.....i couldnt say a word. She kept my paper and just sat still untill the end of class......the bell rang....i got up to go.
    The teacher looks at me and stops me.....she got the same look in her eye like when your about to cry.....she just pointed at my paper and said, "what is this?"
    i responded, "Its my paper."
    She pointed to a line and read it out loud to me "God died for you and me, so we can be free", she bursted out into tears and fell to the ground. I couldnt think of what to say....so i just huged her and watched her. I got up and left......for i had nothing else to do there.
    The next day i get a letter from her, i read it to myself,
    "Dear Alfonso,
    I am not alive today....for yesterday was my last day. I was sick and knew that i needed help but didnt bother to get any. As i read your story i couldnt help myself. I knew i was living a bad life......but your story changed that....your story changed that and it changed me. Thank you because now i am going with my Heavenly Father and if it were not for you i wouldnt know were i would be. I hope others can be safed like i was. THANK YOU !