• It started when I saw you again,
    So many years ago you left, but I didn't miss you then...
    You sat next to me and laughed with me
    You drew on my tests the teachers let us grade, always something funny, yet insane
    When we didn't grade our papers we played Rock Paper Scissors to pass time,
    We always feigned anger when we didn't win...
    You prentended it hurt when I punched you,
    You always made fun of someone, deserving a beating that didnt hurt...
    But the break from school came and we didn't talk that whole time,
    It was over that time I realized I loved you...
    But when I came back you left again,
    To be with your girlfriend I didn't know you had, and she dumped you three weeks later...
    Didn't see you, couldn't contact,
    You left, and i felt as if you hated me...
    I saw you again four months later at a pool party,
    It had been forever, but I still loved you, and hated you for it...
    I messed with you, had my friend help me throw you in the pool,
    I needed revenge for what you did...
    Near the end of the party we talked,
    I asked if you hated me, when you said no, I wasn't reassured...
    You gave me a hug before you left,
    If only for an instant, I felt warm, secure, a foreign experience...
    But you still don't know what you do to me,
    And I can't tell you, I'm too afraid, heartbreak and rejection scare me...
    So I wrote it down in a poem that doesn't rhyme,
    Only in some places but those don't count...
    Perhaps one day you'll read this,
    Maybe you'll see how I feel, I could never tell you this in person...
    But if you read it and know who I am, maybe you'll smile,
    Because maybe there is a small chance you love me too,
    As small as this chance may be.