• It's been a while,
    since we last spoke.
    I dial her number,
    but when she picks up i feel like i'm about to choke.
    My love for her still strolls in my head,
    even if she doesn't want me,
    or just simply wants me dead.
    I can't help the feeling that what she did was wrong,
    walking in his house with nothing but a thong.
    But I still can't just walk away,
    throwing away everything with nothing to say.
    A part of me wants her back,
    the other wants her to grab her clothes and pack.
    These mixed feelings that I have,
    makes me both mad,
    and glad...
    Knowing that everything was special in the love we had.
    I told her we would talk tommorow,
    knowing that it would only be heartbreak, tears, and sorrow.
    I practice in the mirror,
    just to practice my heartfull speech,
    then after that I went to bed and dreamed of her in my sleep.
    Hoping that tommorow will be a better day,
    Thinking whether my feelings will go,
    or will they stay.
    The thought in my head that made me want to die,
    will I get a welcoming hello,
    or a lonely goodbye...
    -To Be Continued