• the sadest thing of all. is when you dont care. if i fall. when i cry or how i suffer. all you care about is her..none the other. im not jealous. of insane. as i ly down...in pain..the insults never seem to stop. when she's around. they drop. im not saying to care about me. when i cry, or were i might be. im just saying to care about people less founate then me. but none the less, they could care less and so could i as sad little puppies are outside in the rain. they start to cry. but what does that have todo with me? just ask yourself. is this who you want to be? my friends have told me, over and over again. jasmine..please dont commit sucide again. what have you done? like the others. they dont care...just like you. its not all your fault.... but you play a pawn to. name one person...that was there for me...strangely enough...i was hopeing it was you to resuce me. but what am i? when i eventually die. someone who nobody cares about even when they say. dont attepmt sucide again today. all they do is talk. and feel bad for me? and when was the last time someone thanked me for being me? but that is all i have to say. i cannot guantee that this will change, the face on you that i have to look at....everyday...this wont change. anything. just watch.