• It was late June As I stared into the sky as the rain poured on me soaked to the bone I cried as I stared into the dark clouds that were so full of Hate and darkness as the shadows surrounded me I drifted off into a world that didn't exist the Forgotten world of dreams this land now so close yet so far I tried and tried to catch it but I failed as I drifted off to sleep on a cloud high above the world, forgotten I walked the land looking for a certain person that could give me the answer's searched for a reason as to life in just a short amount of time I discovered the meaning of life what it truly means to "Live" like a normal person I was always an outcast not anymore I am just like the normal people only difference is that I talk to my self occasionally. I began to sing as i wandered the land still searching for his holiness God after five hours of Searching I asked God what is was like to rule land and he said "Jax my son you to can rule if you believe in it hard enough but now it is time for you to return home to you're family there worried sick about you fair well my son and remember you can do anything as long at you believe..." God disappear into the light