• No one will ever understand you, for only you could portray what you feel
    You’ll be alone most of the time, even though it’s not by your will
    Looking for someone to understand, cuz you know it’ll be easier when you do
    To let out all your built up feelings, and for them to take it nicely too
    For them to be able to give you advice, to correct all the mistakes you wish to remake
    Would be the most wonderful thing of all, it’s a simple “give-and-take”
    To comfort you in your time of need, your darkest hour
    Wiping away your flowing tears, feels like they have a great power
    For them to keep you close in their arms, and have them hold you tight
    While they repeat the reassuring words, “Everything will be alright”
    We all wish this could be true, to find someone as sympathetic as we desire them to be
    Yet we all know this is impossible, as all of us can clearly see
    But we still wish to search for a person, the one kind enough to listen
    And when you do find that person, it’ll be as if they glisten
    For the world that used to be dark, has the clouds opening up revealing rays of light
    Seeing this has made you finally think, “I guess I’ll be alright”
    Unless you try to explain, no one will ever understand you
    You just gotta find the right person, who’ll be worthy enough of listening to you