• The C.S.S. Alabama

    By Robert H. Walter

    June 19th 1964 the English Channel
    As we sail, smoke softly bellows out from her open hole (the smoke stack) as he go on exploring the channel. But we are ghost. As you can see.

    June 19th 1864 the English Channel, the American Civil War
    As we sail smoke softly bellows out of her open hole (the smoke stack) as we go on raiding the channel. Then over out on the horizon a small spec is seen by are good captain John M. Kell. "Full speed ahead!" he bellows down the hatch to and engineer. Seconds later the puffs of smoke get faster and faster until their just one long stream of smoke. As we get closer to the spec, we can see a flag with red, white, and blue, "IT BE A FRENCHY!" the lookout yells. But as we get even closer the red, and white are strips of 13, and the blue is a blue field this white stars. It was no french merchant ship. It was the U.S.S. Kearsurge! "ALL HANDS ON DECK! BEAT TO QUARTERS!" Kell said. 5 minutes later canons thunder from us, the Kersurge, and the coast of France. The battle raged for 2 hours the ship is sinking along with 21 dead C.S. sailors. only 21 wounded sailors and the captain abandon ship.