• i was alone all my life.....
    i sat on the stone bench under the dead tree....
    i waited for some one to take my hand and say " i love you ".......
    the day came......but you smashed my heart......
    i cried under the tree..... intill you asked what was wrong....
    i told you to go away..... you wispered " i love you "
    again you smashed my heart......
    i grew depresed......i did't sat on the stone bench under the dead tree alot as i used to.......
    i was alone in my room with my wrist bleeding.....
    you found me lying on the floor bleeding....
    you made my wrist feel better..... then you told me " i love you "
    i did't belive you i ran to the stone bench..... i was supried at the sight i saw... another girl was sitting on the bench...... i asked " what happed to you? " she looked at me and said " he hurted me " i looked down..... feeling what she was feeling....i sat down right next to her and said. " the same thing has happend to me too " she stoped crying and looked at me..... we felt a siser connection.... she said " i think we'r sisters " i looked at herand said " maybe..." she hugged me and put a bracelet around my wrist..... she said we'll be sisters forever.....
    i smiled a little..... the next day i found her under the dead tree with a gun in her hand and she was dead she had a white rose in her hand and a note.... the note said " sorry.... maybe not forever...." tears of blood ran down my face...... i took the gun.... and... fiered..... i did't die.... but my heart did