• Are you just going to leave me here?
    All alone?
    Are you just going to throw me away?
    For some b***h who doesn't even love you?
    Throw me away like some unwanted teddy bear?
    Are you going to toss me out a window?
    Or in a garbage can?
    Or maybe...
    Just maybe...
    In the hands of Death?
    Are you that cruel?
    Or do you care about me?
    Are you giving me up so that you don't hurt me in the future?
    Is that it?
    Do you really believe that?
    You can't just throw me away.
    Not like this.
    I won't live without you.
    You will see me,
    Bags under my eyes,
    Messy hair,
    Crumpled clothes from the night before.
    My eyes will be red and puffy,
    My knees wobbly,
    My muscles weak.
    My will to love gone.
    Any life in my eyes is gone.
    My voice will be dead.
    I will accept that you can live without me,
    But I can't live without you.
    It will be hard for me to breathe.
    Is that what you want?
    A messed up, broken, bruised, torn girl?
    Then go ahead.
    Throw me away.
    For that snobby b***h who can never love you the way I do.