• While I am wandering around this place
    Watching as the cars and people of this society

    Secretly I was dying when I was with you
    My mouth was stitched shut
    No one else could see the strings
    But I could certainly feel them
    Holding me down and tearing me up
    I keep my mouth Shut
    I need to open my lips
    And scream out my heart

    I can't keep it shut any more
    Ever since the very beginning I have been silent
    No more!
    You think you know me and think that you love me
    But you really don't so I kept my mouth shut
    But it's been silent for way too long
    And you were always getting me wrong
    So now Iam bout to break your heart and show you my heart

    You hold me but instead of feeling whole and together
    I feel lost and broken
    Trying and trying, crying and screaming
    I despise who I have finally become

    Whiel I am walking around this place
    Trying to get their attention
    But I can't, they don't hear me
    I feel so lost and I feel like a ghost
    I was holding on, but to what?

    Life, was breaking
    Eyes, were tearing
    Minds, were blank

    And I was running
    Trying to find my reason
    Why I am holding on to someone like you
    Trying to break free
    To be the become the one I want to become

    Tears fall down this face of mine
    Bruised and scarred
    My lips barely even parting
    I shouldn't have let you go that far
    The tears run to my mouth and my screams break as it burns
    And stings

    Slowly and painfully
    These strings holding my lips together
    Are fading and breaking apart
    A scream, a whimper
    Someone sees me there
    I fall more tears and they all disappear

    There I am
    Screaming in to the air
    Everyone is staring at me
    I am finally free
    And finally saved

    Who am i?
    Who are you?
    I don't know
    You don't know

    I have finally broken free