• It's a Feeling

    It's such a sad feeling,
    When you feel that there's nothing inside you anymore,
    And all you can hear are the distant cries of the crows,
    Their black feather shining brightly under the dull night sky.
    You would ask yourself why life exists,
    And always get the same answer over and over.

    What happens when you cry so much,
    Your eyes start to sting,
    And a brilliant blood streams down you face?
    What happens when you lose all hope,
    And the light that used to be in your eyes is dead?

    No one hears you cry out anymore.
    No one seems to care about your bleeding heart,
    Or your pained, strained moans.
    Your sorrow means nothing to anyone.
    All you are is a play toy for others.

    You sit here:
    Eyes dull,
    Heart dying,
    Time slowing,
    Everything around you doesn’t matter anymore,
    Because you know the one thing you cared about,
    Is gone.

    Life is just a game,
    With God as the player.
    You are just the pawn.
    The game piece.
    God doesn't care what happens when you land on a red square.
    He doesn’t know you have feelings.
    You're just a piece of plastic to him.

    Church bells can be ringing,
    Children can be singing,
    But you won't be happy,
    Because you know he's gone.
    Another witch came and grabbed him.

    I loved him with my heart and soul,
    And now he's gone.
    Taking a piece of my heart with him.
    Leaving me unable to love.
    Leaving me to die.

    Never in my life,
    Had I thought I would find that feeling of love.
    I would feel it tingle my skin,
    And color my cheeks a rosy pink.
    Lift my hear and make it soar.

    Never in my life,
    Did I think I would lose that feeling,
    Slowly being drained from my veins,
    Sucking away at my very life.
    Break my heart's cage and shatter it completely.

    Will the feeling ever return to my numb body?
    Do you think God will grace me?
    Maybe send me an angel to love,
    With soft white wings serving as my shield from the world?
    Maybe he will save from the numbness that I feel.

    Where is that angel now?
    Why does he hide from me?
    All I want is to feel his warm embrace again.
    To feel his cold touch on my skin.
    To hear him say those three magical words...

    "I love you..."

    I can't be happy,
    So I'll put on this mask,
    And go out to the world,
    Marching on with a heavy step,
    Smiling to everybody I see.
    Clinging to the one string keeping me sane,
    And keeping myself from breaking down.

    If my string snaps,
    All is lost.
    My tears will break through.
    Two rivers will form down my cheeks,
    And my face will burn red.

    All I want is feel his breath on my skin,
    Hear him murmur in my ear,
    Feel his soft kisses on my cheek.
    I just wish I could tell him one more time:

    "I love you too..."