• I see you staring
    with those eyes that seem to see every insecurity
    and ultimately destroy me with their gaze
    I count the days until your gone
    History between us cant keep us away
    we draw each other in like opposite ends
    of sadistic magnets
    I've had it
    Im glad it's over
    I've seen you sober and Im disgusted
    I dont want to discuss it
    but still, you loiter around my treks in my hell
    You look at me like Im Samael, after he fell
    but benteah that, your eyes show undertones of
    humor, like you cant resist laughing
    the moment you're out of earshot
    I can feel your judgements
    they burn, white hot
    I'm dying to scream out "What do you think of me know?"
    but I cant decide if that is because I hate you
    or If I still crave your approval
    Life ruiner
    courage corroder
    You've broken me down as you always do
    You've spoken without sound as you always do
    And that grin creeps across your face yet again
    Rat eyed demon,plague me no longer
    plague me no longer
    plague me for just a minute more
    Plague me forever
    Im addicted, it's sick
    If I cant feel the cancer, I cant feel a thing
    You oison is the soul reason why I sing
    "Im not over you"
    but I am through with you
    and I would rather lay comatose
    than have to deal with your make-up hoax of a visiage
    That isnt your hair, those arent you lips
    Those may be your tits and those may be your hips
    but where's the soul in all this?
    Im tired, that's it
    I want out