• Let the stars shine for me if they whish
    But my heart is broken
    So I wait in ever lasting stillness
    I know will never stop
    Because I am a doll

    Time’s cruel wrinkled hands will not reached me
    She growls in anger that I stay young
    But she also laughs at my gloomy eyes
    She knows, and I know, I can never love
    Master after master use the word ‘love
    But I do not dare let them touch
    I know they die
    But I do not
    That is the pain of staying young

    I wish from day to day
    That one day I will be gone
    My touchier never ends
    Not even if I do find the one
    Let him touch me
    Let him hold me
    Let him plant sweet kisses on me
    Let him love me
    Then die with out me
    While I live on

    And I will live
    Stay young
    And get a new master
    That is the price
    That is my life
    That is what I am
    A thing to go from one to another
    A object
    A pretty face
    A doll