• The scent of a newborn child while laying in thy arms in slumber
    The cold morning breeze greeting thou at the commence of the day
    The sweet nectar of nature slaying thy thurst in times of despair:
    Those are the small fruits of Hope.
    Hope that one will rise again in honour and strength to fight the inner demons as the true warrior of what is Right.
    Hope that those that have gone into the Mist and not returned,will reunite with us in true Love and Brotherhood...
    Hope that as we follow the path of Life with it's devious traps and many delusions,
    our many sins will be lesser then our greatest deeds.
    Thou must begin with the smallest fruits of Hope
    Harvesting each day with the strength of a Horse
    For in small hope there is seeds for planting
    Nestling in our imperfect hearts to grow into a mighty tree of true and pure Hope
    As it is Hope that will bring us back home where we belong
    To love life in it's fullest and to love one another without flaws
    For it is Love that will make us perfect again.